31 Breese Street Brunswick

This listing has been viewed 1484 times

Address 地址: 31 Breese Street Brunswick
City 城市: Melbourne
State å·ž: VIC
Telephone 电话: 0430881006
Country 国家: Australia
Weekly Rent 周租: $390
Lease can be signed before arrival into Australia 租约可在海外签订: Yes
Beds 卧室数: 2
Baths 浴室: 1
Status 状态: Sold

二房一厅,位于Brunswick对面,周围商铺临立,购物方便。 2 Bedroom house located at the centre of Brunswick This house is located right in the heart of Brunswick which you can get everything that you need from the shops around there. 5 minutes walk to Sydney Road which you can access to the trams, cafes, restaurants and shopping. General Features Property Type:Unit Bedrooms:2 Bathrooms:1

Agent Info

Phone 电话: 215.850.0710 | Mobile 手机: 215.850.0710 | Fax 传真: 702.995.6591
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