1905/231 Harbour esplanade Docklands

This listing has been viewed 1586 times

Address 地址: 1905/231 Harbour esplanade Docklands
City 城市: Melbourne
State å·ž: VIC
Telephone 电话: 0430881006
Country 国家: Australia
Weekly Rent 周租: $450
Lease can be signed before arrival into Australia 租约可在海外签订: Yes
Beds 卧室数: 1
Baths 浴室: 1
Status 状态: Active

交通方便,家门口就有许多服务方便的免费电车站,安全性高,舒适度好。 Conveniently serviced by free trams at doorstep, this secure and luxurious apartment is a short stroll from the water, shops and restaurants.

Agent Info

Phone 电话: 215.850.0710 | Mobile 手机: 215.850.0710 | Fax 传真: 702.995.6591
Homepage 个人主页http://www.open-realty.org
Info 个人信息: I am the system administrator!